Wednesday, February 29

Seven Overdue Random Thoughts

(I've already said it was "overdue"; you're not getting any more than that.)

1: Whilst learning about the history of the English language - which is far more convoluted than it ought to be, by the way - we talked about the Norman Conquest in 1066. It's the reason for a lot of things, but what really jumped out at me was this: I think it's the most cheeky, audacious, and boldest things the French have done to date. (No offense.)

2: It's quite warm today. About 80F. In February. That is messed up. Summer's gonna be killer.

3: I really want to make a wax-seal-stamper thing-y. Saw how to do it on Pinterest.

4: I can't wait for Series 3 of BBC's Sherlock. Best. Show. Ever.

5: I want to be teleported to Friday. Mostly because I don't want to give a presentation and take two midterms. Yeah.

6: I should probably get back to studying . . . oh, look, a birdy! Nevermind . . .

7: Follow me on Tumblr. Because I tumble a lot.


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