Monday, September 24

My Spoiled Fish

I have this betta fish that I've posted about before.
Other than a near-death experience, he's pretty spoiled.
Like, really.
I went to Petsmart just looking around for a plant for his tank.
Just. Looking.
I come back with new pebbles, a Grecian temple, a cleaning cloth for the tank, and I ran out of fish food, so he got a fresh pack the same day.
He is so spoiled. 
God help my future children . . .


  1. Hahaha this is how I feel about my dog... but you just took it to a new level with spoiling a fish!!

  2. I miss having a pet and spoiling them. ='(

    1. =(
      Yeah, it'd be weird to not have my fish . . . Oh gosh, did I really say that?

  3. That's how I was with my betta, Jackie Chan. Bought him a large tank, stocked it and everything. The things we do for our animals...

    1. Jackie Chan . . . That's one of the coolest fish names I've ever heard of!


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